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Harassment Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Provocation Policy - Essay Example The ensured classes incorporate race, nationality, ideology, shading, sex (counting lewd behavior and ...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Synthesis Essay - Comparison between Frederick Douglass and Jon Krakauer
Synthesis Essay - Comparison between Frederick Douglass and Jon Krakauer It is sometimes said that nothing in life that is worthhaving comes easily. I have noticed that what oftenseparates those who attain their hopes and dreams fromthose who do not is that they possess a certain driveand determination to stop at nothing to achieve thosedreams. Although the two individuals Chris McCandlessand Frederick Douglass lived in different time periods,and grew up in totally different environments, theypossessed the will to overcome whatever obstacles lifepresented them and achieved the goals that they set forthemselves. Chris McCandless was determined to live anunconventional, nomadic lifestyle like those of hisidols Henry David Thoreau, Boris Pasternak, and theJules Verne character Captain Nemo. Growing up, hewaited until the time was right to begin his journeyacross the country and into the wilderness. JohnKrakauer wrote: Five weeks earlier he'd loaded hisbelongings into his car and headed west without anThe gravestone of Frederick Douglass located at Mo...itine rary. The trip was to be an odyssey in the fullestsense of the word, an epic journey that would changeeverything. He had spent the previous four years, as hesaw it, preparing to fulfill an absurd and onerous duty:to graduate from college. At long last he wasunencumbered, emancipated from the stifling world of hisparents and peers, a world of abstraction and securityand material excess, a world in which he felt grievouslycut off from the raw throb of existence. (22) Later inthe book we were again given a glimpse of Chris's grittydetermination to achieve a goal that he had set forhimself.During his travels Chris stopped in the small dustytown of Tapock, Arizona. It was there that he noticed anold secondhand canoe which he purchased in an attempt tofloat from Lake Havasu...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Maze Runner by James Dashner - Questions
'The Maze Runner' by James Dashner - Questions The Maze Runner by James Dashner was first published in 2009Publisher: Delacorte Press384 pages The Maze Runner is a young adult post-apocalyptic science fiction novel that reminded me of by Orson Scott Card. The Maze Runner is the first book in a trilogy, so it has a resolution to the main problem of the book, but there are still many problems left unresolved. Use these questions to work through the novel and discuss what you think James Dashner is trying to say. Spoiler Warning: These questions contain details from the novel and talk about the end of the book. Finish reading the book before looking on. Why do you think WICKED put the kids in the Maze? Do you think it was an effective way to find the smartest and most resilient?Even though Thomas does not remember it, he and Teresa had a role creating the Maze. Do you think that makes him guilty? Does he owe something to the other boys?What was the point of sending Teresa into the Maze?Was Gally good or bad? Why do you think the scientists used him?Throughout the book, Thomas and the other boys have more questions than answers. The reader, too, does not know what is happening. Did you like how this produced suspense? Were you satisfied with the answers provided in the end?In the final memo from Wicked, they refer to Group B. Who do you think that is?If the world truly is in catastrophe, do you think the means can justify the ends of saving the human race? Even if it means enslaving or killing children? Is it possible, as Teresa thinks, that WICKED could be good?Did you guess that the maze could be a code? Do you think the kids ever would have tried to escape through the Griever Hole if the end had not been triggered? Do you think you will read the next two books in the series to find out what happens?Rate The Maze Runner on a scale of 1 to 5.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Choosing an Office Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Choosing an Office - Essay Example ns to find one that reflects the true preference, for example, the cost of the office might be very conducive, but the accompanying distance is very high. The two scoring options that were dominated became better in the swing preference table because of the weights assigned to each alternative. The outcomes of the different alternatives change according to the relative position of the alternative on the preference table. For example, the weight for size is 3, therefore, a preference with a high figure for size would benefit more. In this case, Baranov has a preference score of 0 for size while Parkway has a preference score of 90. Therefore, this implies that a preference score in one factor severely affects the preference score in another factor. The swing weights method is easier to explain to a client because the client will be able to see the differences in weights and their assignment. This means that a client will understand why each alternative is being assigned the weight it is assigned, and why the outcomes come out in a specific manner. This choice is also effective if the choices are way more than the ones in this case. For example, if Alan had 40 sites to evaluate, using the even swaps method would take a lot of time and confuse the client. Therefore, it is advisable to use the swing weights
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Journal 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Journal 5 - Essay Example This is because in a direct communication there is undisrupted flow of information, relaying of critical opinions, and knowledge besides experiences. This helps to solve individual or group’s questions, misunderstandings besides other issues that come up in the work place. Besides, it enables the workers to achieve many benefits including one’s wellbeing in his or her working place (Holley, Jenning & Wolters, 2012). The manager in charge of the employee and labour relations in any organization has key responsibilities such as settling workers difficulties and conflicts before worsening to affect the company. Conflicts between employees can be as result of discriminations, violence in the working place and sexual harassments among other vices that hinder the growth or development of the organization (The Ohio State University, 2013). The manager should as well be able to take the corrective actions in which they should identify their employees undeserving manners besides correcting them. In conclusion, respectable employee and labour relations are important aspects for the development of an organization. It helps in averting and solving difficulties concerning the employees that affect the respective organization negatively. Additionally, the employees grow professionally hence affecting the organization’s output or productivity leading to its fast development (Pace University 2011). The employee relations manager has the responsibility to assist and guide the entire staff according to their difficulties to ensure smooth prosperity of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
World Beer Consumption Essay Example for Free
World Beer Consumption Essay Approximately, 100 billion liters of beer are consumed around the world every year (Olfir, 2007). The worldwide growth rate of beer consumption has been recorded for the past 19 years (Kirin Holdings, 2005). This, however, is not to say that the beer consumption around the world is alike. The alcoholic beverage consumption levels around the world and the rates at which these increase vary from one country to another. For example, in India the annual consumption of beer is . 5 litters per capita (Gupta, 2007), where as in Czech Republic, the consumption of beer is 156. 9 liters per capita per year (Olfir, 2007). There are many factors that contribute to the difference in beer consumption levels amongst different countries. Some of these factors include the stability of the country’s economy, laws and regulations, religion, and culture. Economy I believe that the economy of a nation plays an important role in the levels of beer consumption in different parts of the world. The demand for beer is rapidly increasing in nations whose economy is on the rise. Some of these economies include Asia, particularly China, Eastern Europe, and Africa (Access Capital, 2010). For example, In 1966 China only consumed about half a bottle of beer. As the average per capita income has increased so has the consumption of beer, reaching 103 beers per person in 2007 (Appebaum, 2011). Laws and Regulations Laws and regulations on alcoholic beverages also have an effect on the consumption of beer. In most cases, if not all, laws have the ability to hinder the increasing rates consumption of alcohol. For example, the principle of prohibition is intensely recommended by the Indian constitution and Indian law prohibits the advertisement of alcoholic beverage (Ranganathan, 1994). This is one of the reasons why their per capita consumption is so low. On the other hand, legislation may cause for consumption levels to increase. For example, in Czech Republic, Ireland and Germany, the top three nations with the highest beer consumption (Olfir, 2007), the minimum legal drinking age is between 16 and 18 years of age. Because people can start drinking at an earlier age legally, the amount of drinkers is higher in these countries. Religion As previously mentioned, India consumes approximately . 5 litters per capita on a yearly basis. Although this number might seem insignificant compared to other countries, such as Czech Republic, it is important to note that the consumption over the last few years has increased at a rate of about seven percent annually (Gupta, 2007). An important factor to such low rate is religion (Ranganathan, 1994). As Shanthi Ranganathan mentions in the article, The Most Sensible Thing is Not to Drink, Hinduism, the largest religion followed in India, the consumption of alcohol is known as one of the five heinous crimes. It is compared to adultery and murder (Ranganathan, 1994), making it a horrible act. Christianity, on the contrary, has more open-minded beliefs in regards with the consumption of alcohol (Wig, 1994). Culture Another country that can be used as an example to explain the difference in beer consumption levels among different countries is France whose beer consumption level per capita is 35. 5 liters per year (Lansdell, 2006). Compared to other countries, France may be considered to have a lower level of alcoholic consumption. The biggest contributor to this countries consumption level, I believe, is the culture of the country. When drinking, in most cases, French prefer wine instead of beer and they take their time to consume their beverages, unlike Americans, who are always in a rush to do everything. Worldwide Brewers and Increased Beer Consumption Each year, 2. 5 million people worldwide die do to alcohol or beer consumption. Alcohol is attributed to being the third greatest factor for diseases (W. , 2011). I believe that due to the great risk factor that comes with the consumption of alcohol, worldwide brewers should not have the ability to grow at such a fast rate all around the world. Although the industry could possibly help the economic stability of a country, I believe it does a greater harm to the different nations. I believe that one possibly solution that would allow the beer industry to prosper without causing much harm, is if as they enter a nation to introduce their product, they help create programs that educate people on the consumption of alcohol. I believe that if people are educated on the subject matter and know the consequences of drinking this product, they will continue to consume the beverage but being more responsible. This, in my opinion, will not have a negative affect on the beer industry. Another way that a nation can prevent the consequences of alcohol consumption caused by worldwide brewers is by creating greater taxation or other barriers that would hinder the production and selling of beer in their nation. This scenario, however, might be one that the beer industry might one to avoid. Unlike my first suggestion, this would have a greater negative impact on the industry. Such situation would lower sales in the given country affecting the revenue of the company. I also believe that although the rate of alcohol consumption in many developing countries is increasing, these rates will begin to slow down. Although, as mentioned earlier, economy prosperity may help increase the levels of alcohol consumption, it is also true that after a certain level of prosperity, people tend to consider quality when purchasing a product. For example, Ethiopians may start consuming low-end beer, however, as their financial stability begins to prosper they might continue to upgrade until they convert to wine-drinkers. Works Cited W. , C. (2011, February 12). W. H. O. Report on Worldwide Alcohol Abuse. Retrieved October 03, 2011, from lifering. org: http://lifering. org/2011/02/w-h-o-report-on-worldwide-alcohol-abuse/ Wig, N. (1994, September). Alcohol in the Third World. (D. p. Knight, Ed. ) Retrieved September 30, 2009, from unhooked. com: http://www. unhooked. com/sep/thirdworl. html Access Capital. (2010). Investing in Ethiopia. Access Capital. Appebaum, B. (2011, April 25). Beer Drinking and What It Says About China’s Economy. Retrieved October 03, 2011, from Economix: http://economix. blogs. nytimes. com/2011/04/23/beer-drinking-and-what-it-says-about-chinas-economy/ Gupta, V. K. (2007, February 15). The Beer industry in India in context of Consumer Buying Behavior. Retrieved October 3, 2011, from inidiamaba. com: http://www. indianmba. com/Faculty_Column/FC519/fc519. html Kirin Holdings. (2005, December 15). Kirin Research Institute of Drinking and Lifestyle . Retrieved Ocotober 3, 2011, from Kirin Holdings: http://www. kirinholdings. co.jp/english/ir/news_release051215_1. html Lansdell, G. (2006). Top 10: Drinking Countries. Retrieved October 03, 2011, from askmen. com: http://www. askmen. com/feeder/askmenRSS_article_print_2006. php? ID=949422 Olfir, E. (2007). Volume of World Beer Consumption. (G. Elert, Editor) Retrieved 0ctober 3, 2011, from http://hypertextbook. com: http://hypertextbook. com/facts/2001/JohnnyAlicea. shtml Ranganathan, S. (1994, September ). Alcohol in the Third World. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from unhooked. com: http://www. unhooked. com/sep/thirdworl. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Alice Walkers Everyday Use Essays -- Alice Walker Every Day Use Essay
Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" Â Â Â Â Â In the story "Everyday Use" the narrator is telling a story about her life and two daughters, who are named Dee and Maggie. The narrator is very strong willed, honest, compassionate and very concerned with the lives of her two daughters. Her daughter Dee is not content with her lifestyle and makes it hard on Maggie and the narrator. The narrator is trying to provide for her family the best way she can. The narrator is alone in raising the two daughters and later sends her daughter Dee to college. The longer the story goes on the more the narrator shows how intelligent and how much she loves her two daughters. Â Â Â Â Â Mama who is the narrator is a woman who can do any chore that a man can, because of the way she is described. "In real life I am a lar...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kudler Fine Foods Innovations Essay
We wish to identify the internal and external drivers of innovation for Kudler Fine Foods. We also wish to describe how innovation design and creative thinking might benefit the Kudler Fin foods in terms of meeting the organizational objectives Kudler Fine Foods is a special experience everyone should have. Kudler Fine Foods is an upscale specialty store. Their Mission statement says that our selections with the experienced, helpful, and knowledgeable staff merge to offer each customer a delightful and pleasing shopping experience. Kudler Fine Foods has to be continually innovative in order to differentiate themselves from other stores. They are known for their very extensive domestic and imported wine list along with other spirits, home baked breads in the old style European bakery, specialty meats and seafood are organic, and gourmet cheeses, irish butter and organic milk and finally the produce of over 350 vegetable, fruits and herb and spices. Kudler Fine Foods is founded by Kathy Kudler and the tone of the organization is based on her personality and dedication of gourmet foods. The attitude of the organization is friendly and open. Many employees know each other because of there are only 3 stores in the San Diego area. They interact on a more personal and friendly level. Kudler not only offers a commitment to the customers but also with the organization itself. They do this through their strategic objective, expanding services and improving operations of efficiency. Kudler appears to be an informal organization by offering parties in the store to show customers how to prepare specialty foods. The culture is upscale and chic as is evident by their gourmet products which draws a high margin. They emphasize social networking with their gourmet products. Kudler strives to differentiate themselves from other markets by offering points for high end gifts, first class airline upgrades and specialty products. Technology at Kudler Fine Foods is known because of the implementation of the frequent shopper program. Information is easily gathered by this program about customer purchasing habits. This allows the company to give special attention to customers such as coupons and discounts. This also allows the company to determine what products should be ordered more often, where they should place the product in the store and how to mark the product better. Self checkout lanes allow the customer to bag and checkout their products without a cashier which cuts down on the labor cost saving the company some money. Kudler’s Managers have motivation, desire, and responsibility in their employees. The majority of employee’s at Kudler are satisfied and committed. Employee’s at Kudler like recognition of their progress by receiving rewards and raises. Each employee meets with his or her management team on a daily basis to discuss goals and strengthen operations in their areas. This gives the employees a sense of contribution to the organization. Kudlers has maintained an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable and appreciated. In comparison of other companies Kudler is doing quite well financially. Kudler’s net revenues are showing tremendous growth. Kudler maintains a strong presence in the global marketplace.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Globalization as International Issue
Today the concept of â€Å"globalization†becomes the most topical and widely used. It is very interesting that the attitude to the globalization – positive, negative or discreet – depends on the level of the social, economic and political development of a country. In present-day conditions the place and the role of globalization cannot be understood without the analysis of that influence, which it renders on a nation, mentality and social behaviour, on †the vital worlds †of the people, who are actively or passively participating in this process.The historical development of mankind depends on the conditions of globalization in which we see changes of motives, values, orientations of its contemporaries, typical attributes of a person and his or her relations with a community. Today the realistic estimation of the influence of globalization is especially necessary because the â€Å"fashion†on it, a background created around this phenomenon re cently quite often prevents from distinguishing the reality from an ideological myth.The essence of globalization is in growing interdependence of different communities but interdependence implies participation in this process of at least two or even greater number of the parties. Practically globalization process benefits the high-developed states, and less developed countries involuntarily become its part, thus not receiving special benefit for themselves, and †play by the rules †of the states that lead in this process.The main part of the population of such states can express its disagreement with the policy of governments that turned to the globalization process, oppose ruthless competitive struggle and go the opposite, inverted in the past, way. Globalization is good then, when this process is accessible to the majority of the countries and when there are conditions of equality between them.But today's globalization process in reality does not correspond to its es sence, because only certain counties have a possibility to cooperate on an equal basis – the strongest ones, alienating from this process the weaker, not even giving them an opportunity to reduce the gap between them.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Take A Wife, Make Sure Shes White Professor Ramos Blog
Take A Wife, Make Sure Shes White When you finally take a wife, make sure she’s white, my father told me. Go to college, become a professional, take a wife, and make sure she’s white. Even though my mother had been white and she still ran off with the ranch hand. The one whose Spanish was better than his English even though he’d lived in America since before I was born. My father raised me by himself in a small Texas town where there was nothing to do except ride horses, go to church, or study. And our horses didn’t trust me much. They whinnied and whined every time I tried to fit them with the brown saddle I’d gotten for Christmas. It was sleek, smooth, and shone brilliantly after being oiled and conditioned, but it didn’t get much use aside from being admired. Instead, I spent Sunday mornings in church and the rest of the week I would study. I needed to go to college, become a professional, take a wife, and make sure she was white. Moving into my dorm at university, I mistook my roommate for one of the movers. Back home, my father taught me that America was the land of opportunity. Opportunity for Mexicans to come, not pay taxes, and use up all our resources. And yet, all of our ranch hands were Mexican because he could pay them so little and work them as hard as the horses. My father must have also seen opportunity. My roommate corrected me, helped me build my bed anyway, and then I helped him unbox his things into drawers. He didn’t have a lot of things, so it went by quickly. We walked down to a cafe nearby and drank lemonade to cool down. I told him how hard I worked to get here. â€Å"That’s nice,†he said, â€Å"but I probably worked harder.†~ I had been teaching for many years before you walked into my classroom, your dark skin and dark eyes that immediately drew me to you. You were different than those before you. Your skin the color of freshly oiled leather and smelling sweet as a flower. But just as one must let a dog come to you, otherwise it becomes all frightened eyes and snapping teeth, I waited. Finally, you approached me half way through the school year for extra credit. It wasn’t extra credit you wanted, was it, Clemencia? I took you under my wing, I showed you what could be possible when you saw yourself the way I did. You were my Malinalli, my Malinche and you loved it. Do you remember? How much you loved being tangled together in my white sheets, your brown skin glowing more and more the harder I kissed you? I kissed you like you’d never been kissed and I loved you like you’d never been loved. A girl your age didn’t know love, what it meant or how it felt. Someone had to teach you. And wasn’t I was your teacher? ~ I was married when you and I met. We were married in a church, said our vows under the watchful eyes of God, and signed our prenuptial agreement under the watchful eyes of our lawyers. It was just a precaution, because I loved her. Did I? I loved parts of her. She was as pale as the milk from her father’s dairy farm and her hands were soft with pink-painted nails that never chipped. She was a porcelain doll and she was mine. But I did not like to touch her like I touch you for fear of her breaking. You, my Malinalli, I was never afraid of breaking. Not you, who would call my home at ungodly hours of the night and my wife next to me would answer. Excuse me, honey, it’s for you. And I put the phone to my ear and you were just laughing like that was the funniest thing you’d ever heard. I couldn’t break you, I realized, because you were already broken. ~ And now you see, that’s why I had to marry her and not you. Because she understood the importance of image just like my father did. I was up for a position on the school board. â€Å"What would they say,†I asked of you, â€Å"If I had a young, wild brown girl for a wife?†You said nothing. You must have known I was right. You said nothing as you took me in your arms, held me close enough I could hear your heartbeat, and drew me in deeper under your spell. I was trapped under your spell that day, too. That day my son was born. I’d gotten the call, your wife is at the hospital. She’s going into labor early. It was shocking for everybody, but inconvenient for me. I didn’t want that child, she did. You did. And now they both think they can interrupt my day? They wanted me to come running, but stayed here, with you. You were the only one I’d loved amongst the others before you and the few after. It was you, only you. ~ My surprise when I saw you at the museum. She was with me, but you were the most beautiful work of art in that whole exhibit. Even the students with you watched with admiration while you spoke to them about one of the photographs. Briefly, I wondered which among them you’d taken into your bed to teach the way I taught you. I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to speak to you. Not even the strongest of conquistadors could resist the allure of your golden skin. Greedy bastard, I was, but some men really can have it all, only if they’re willing to take it and make it theirs. â€Å"This is Megan,†I said as my hand rested on the small of her back. She was all skin and bone and some plastic. Nothing like you at all, my Malinalli. ~ I invited you over that week she was gone. She took the boy to her family’s for Christmas and a part of me hoped she would never come back. What a gift that would be! But she would and that’s why it would be best if we made this the last time. Surely you understood? You’d told me to give her a baby so I wouldn’t be tempted to leave her. But this day, I told you about my responsibilities as superintendent, as father, as husband. I could never marry you then. I could never now. Still, we spent one of the holiest days of the year together. Oh God, you cried out, but it was me, not God, picking you apart, putting you back together, and watching you sleep after. I suspect it was that last night together when you’d vandalized Megan’s things. Am I right? The gummy candy? She was finding them for two weeks after, victim to such a childish prank. I bought her new things because a red lipstick is easy to replace, blood red, rose red, ruby. But you vandalized her life, as well. You left your mark on her and she was never happy again after that. Even after the last gummy bear was found, she was afraid there was always one more lurking, where she couldn’t see it just yet. ~ When you asked me, son, if you could go to your friend’s house, I knew. Right away, I knew. You were in high school, you said your band was getting together to practice. You lied. I didn’t even have to ask her to know that’s where you were. It was no coincidence I sent you that school, knowing the art program would catch your eye, just like she caught my eye all those years ago. I gave her her job. I gave her my love. I gave her you. Your mother needn’t know. She’s happiest living her life wrapped in ignorance like it’s that silky Italian robe she loves so much. She loves her things, you most of all. So I won’t tell her. ~ Sometimes, I lie awake at 2 a.m. and wonder if we can’t see God because he’s afraid of us. He looks down upon the Earth, upon the streets we roam, upon the sheets we lie in. And he sees what he created and is afraid. Or maybe, he’s proud of us that we can leave so deep an imprint that others can stand at the edge, look too closely, and fall in.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
30 Rhetorical Devices †And How to Use Them
30 Rhetorical Devices - And How to Use Them 30 Rhetorical Devices - And How to Use Them Rhetorical devices are as useful in writing as they are in life. Also known as persuasive devices, stylistic devices, or simply rhetoric, rhetorical devices are techniques or language used to convey a point or convince an audience. And they're used by everyone - politicians, businesspeople, and even, you guessed it, your favorite novelists.You may already know some of them: similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia. Others, maybe not (bdelygmia, we’re talking to you). But at the end of the day, you’ve probably run into all of these devices some time or another. Perhaps, you’ve even used them yourself. And if you haven’t, don’t let their elaborate Greek names fool you - they’re pretty easy to implement, too. But before you dive in, let’s identify the different categories of rhetorical devices out there.Types of Rhetorical DevicesAlthough there exists plenty of overlap between rhetorical and literary devices, there’s one significant d ifference between the two. While the latter are employed to express ideas with artistic depth, rhetoric is designed to appeal to one’s sensibilities in four specific ways:Logos, an appeal to logic;Pathos, an appeal to emotion;Ethos, an appeal to ethics; or,Kairos, an appeal to time.These categories haven’t changed since the Ancient Greeks first identified them thousands of years ago. This makes sense, however, because the ways we make decisions haven’t changed, either: with our brain, our heart, our morals, or the feeling that we’re running out of time. What's the difference between rhetorical and literary devices? Find out here. So without further ado, here is a list of rhetorical devices designed to tug at those strings, and convince a listener to give you what you want - or a reader to continue reading your book. (Source: 20th Century Fox)Wham! Pow! Crunch! These are all examples of onomatopoeia, a word for a sound that phonetically resembles the sound itself. Which means the finale of the 1966 Batman is the most onomatopoeic film scene of all time.24) PersonificationIt’s a lot easier for humans to understand a concept when it’s directly related to them. And since rhetoric is used to convey your point more effectively, there’s naturally a rhetorical device for that: personification, which assigns human characteristics to an abstract concept.Personification is present in almost all forms of literature, especially mythology, where concepts like war, love, and wisdom are given humanity in the form of gods such as Ares, Venus, Saraswati. But anthropomorphism, which assigns human characteristics to animals, is almost as common, in everything from Peter Rabbit and Winnie-the-Pooh to The Hobbit and Watership Down.25) PleonasmDid you know that being redundant can actually be rhet orically useful? Certain words are so overused that they’ve lost meaning - darkness, nice, etc. However, â€Å"black darkness†or â€Å"pleasantly nice†reinvigorate that meaning, even if the phrases are technically redundant. Redundant phrases like these are called pleonasms, and they are persuasively rhetorical.26) Rhetorical comparisonsSome of the most prevalent rhetorical devices are figures of speech that compare one thing to another. Two of these, you surely know: the simile and the metaphor. But there is a third, hypocatastasis, that is just as common†¦ and useful.The distinctions between the three are pretty simple. A simile compares two things explicitly: â€Å"You are like a monster.†A metaphor compares them by asserting that they’re the same: â€Å"You are a monster.†And with hypocatastasis, the comparison itself is implied: â€Å"Monster!†If you can't get enough rhetorical comparisons, check out these 90+ exampl es of metaphors in literature and pop culture!27) Rhetorical questionYou’ve probably heard of a rhetorical question, too: a question asked to make a point rather than to be answered. Technically, this figure of speech is called interrogatio, but there are plenty of other rhetorical devices that take the form of questions.If you pose a rhetorical question just to answer it yourself, that’s anthypophora (or hypophora†¦ they mean the same thing). And if your rhetorical question infers or asks for a large audience’s opinion (â€Å"Friends, Romans, countrymen Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?†) that’s anacoenosis - though it generally doesn’t warrant an answer, either. Do you know the three different types of rhetorical questions? 28) SynecdocheYou know how a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t necessarily a square? If you referred to all rectangles as â€Å"squares,†you’d have a synecdoche: a rhetorical device in which part of one thing is used to represent its whole. This differs slightly from metonymy, which refers to one thing by something related to it that is nevertheless not part of it. If you referred to an old king as â€Å"greybeard,†that would be the former. If you referred to him as â€Å"the crown,†it would be the latter.29) TmesisHave you ever, in a fit of outrage, referred to something un-effing-believable? If you have, congratulations on discovering a surprisingly useful rhetorical device: tmesis, the separation of one word into two parts, with a third word placed in between for emphasis.30) ZeugmaZeugma, often used synonymously with syllepsis, is a grammatical trick that can be used rhetorically as well: placing two nouns with very different meani ngs in the same position in a sentence. Mark Twain was a master at this:â€Å"They covered themselves with dust and glory."This might feel a bit like a list of fancy names for things you already do. If so, that’s great! You’re already well on your way to mastering the art of rhetoric. And, now that you know the specifics, you can take the next step: implementing it in your writing and swaying readers onto your side.Leave any thoughts or questions about rhetorical devices in the comments below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Strategic plan - Essay Example In this case, I will come up with strategies that minimize costs, reduce waste, meet the market demand and enhance customer satisfaction. The other key concept in strategic management is analyzing the formulated strategies. This concept involves strategy formulation, monitoring and implementation (Jeffs, 2008). In this case, the analysis will involve in-depth external and internal analysis of the weaknesses and strengths of a business. Strategy formulation requires taking a specific course of action that helps meet targeted goals. Strategy implementation requires management to put the formulated strategy into practice (Jeffs, 2008). Finally, strategy monitoring involves the evaluation of the implementation process to achieve the desired results (Jeffs, 2008). In future, I will formulate strategies that facilitate growth, sustainability and expansion of my business. These strategies include keeping books of accounts and having a focused management. I will implement my strategies by acquiring assets, operational machinery, and an efficient workforce. Finally, I will monitor the strategies by having a strong internal con trol framework. The internal control framework will include having internal audits and effective risk assessment. I will also ensure that I adapt to the dynamic technological changes for quality services and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Corruption in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corruption in the United States - Essay Example However, theoretical study shows that in the short run corruption may promote economic growth as a result of counteracting government’s failure. The failure of the government is itself a function of corruption and hence it will in the long run have detrimental effects on economic growth (Akai, Horiuchi & Sakata 29). The importance of corruption is in its ability to influence the roots of the economy. Corruption has consequences for both equity and efficiency and also erodes property rights. It strains business institutions thus poses threats to the economic benefits attributed to it. Corruption takes place in secrecy causing complications, in the nature of economic exchange. On the contrary, some early authors viewed corruption as a necessary grease to lubricate the wheels of stagnant government administration. Similarly, many other authors demonstrate how bribes enhance public administration efficiency by minimizing the costs associated with government labor and queuing (Kauf mann 45). Corruption is much more than a price mechanism; it causes reallocation of talents towards unproductive rent-seeking activities other than directing talents to entrepreneurial activities. In most cases, talented people compete for the highly payoffs within the economy. Micro evidence appears to suggest that corruption badly hampers development and deteriorates government performance. Corruption is vice that result to many effects affecting a large number of people (Kaufmann 45). USA is not an exception of corruption as it prevails in most of its states. In Connecticut, administration is at substantial risk of the state’s history worst scandal in corruption. Some of Connecticut three mayors and the treasure are in prison. A former Governors deputy chief accepted gold coins in return for government’s contracts; this is a clear evidence of corruption. Another example is that of a governor in Connecticut whose cottage renovations were carried out by private corpor ations in Litchfield. The examples depict Connecticut as a corrupt state. Historically states such as Louisiana, Illinois, Rhode Island and New Jersey have worst reputations for corruption. Recent statistics clearly indicate that Mississippi is the most corrupt state in USA while the least corrupt state in the country is Nebraska. Columbia is the most corrupt district in USA. However, most states are making remarkable efforts in the battle to fight corruption in order to enhance growth and development. The integrity index analyzes five key laws, which directly ensure combating corruption in the government and integrity. They include conflict of interest laws, whistleblower protection laws, gifts, trips and honoraria laws, information laws and campaign finance laws. These laws create transparency; accountability and limits thus fight corruption. Transparency International organization is also dedicated to combating corruption in USA. The world might not understand the exact extent of corruption in USA because the Justice Department’s statistics rarely get to the public. If the Justice Department sought to publicize they masterly work, it could go a long way to stop corruption (Mauro 23). Corruption arises from various causes such as personal motivations where people give bribes so as to get unjust advantage over the rest. Paying lower taxes, bribing to get a promotion or an
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