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Provocation Policy - Essay Example The ensured classes incorporate race, nationality, ideology, shading, sex (counting lewd behavior and ...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Witnesses Accounts of The Attck of Pearl Harbor Essay
Imagine yourself as a military personnel working on your naval base like any normal day. One minute you are calm and peaceful, another you break out into a brutal battle. Bullets flying, people dying, chaos all around you. In this article I am going to tell you about the event that had taken place in 1941. By the end of this, you will be able to see this event through the eyes many people who were there to witnessed this tragedy. Today, December 7, 1941 has become one of the most tragic events that have taken place in history. The Japanese has attacked our naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It wasn’t only the military personnel who were affected but it was also their families including the civilians living on the island of Hawaii. â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦armed forces. Monday, December 8 - The United States and Britain declare war on Japan with President Roosevelt calling December 7, a date which will live in infamy...†(Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor). I was working in the hospital at the time of the bombing and people were coming in by the hundreds. So many were injured, burned, and they all were in a tremendous amount of pain. Many patients suffered from burns. Our patients suffered 2nd to 3rd degree burns and the only way we could help was to cut off their burning skin. â€Å"There were numerous variations in the types of wounds. There were flesh wounds; gunshot wounds of the head, neck, body and extremities; small, medium, and massive wounds caused by shell and shrapnel; extensive wounds produced by fragments of bombs and metal; penetrating abdominal wounds; traumatic amputations; wounds which contained foreign bodies; and simple, comminuted and compound fractures. A number of men also suffered from asphyxia. Some of the men suffered from a combination of wounds and burns†(Pearl Harbor Navy Medical Activities). I could not believe what had happen to all of these people. How could someone cause such damage and not have to do a thing but click one button? I was a one of the navy sailors stationed at Pearl Harbor. I was on the USS Oklahoma when nine torpedoes hit the ship. â€Å"Her hulls port side was opened almost
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Three Major Correctional Reformers - 1008 Words
Of the three major correctional reformers, I believe that Cesare Beccaria accomplished the most for corrections. Cesare Beccaria emphasized that the use of punishment for crimes was used solely for the purpose of protecting society and preventing crime. This is extremely important, because in the past, individuals were using punishment as a means of revenge, but Cesare changed this idea. Cesare’s ideas eventually led to creation of classical criminology, and this alone helped to pave the road to ending unjustifiable punishments and inhumane treatment. Classical criminology contained six principles, and all of these principles emphasized the importance of using punishment to promote deterrence and prevention. Within these principles Cesare explains that prevention is more important than anything. This idea led to major reforms, including getting secret accusations and torturing of individuals abolished. That was not all, however, Cesare saw that the accused were not being given the benefit of the doubt, hence the torturing of individuals to get confessions that may or may not be true. He decided that the accused should have the right to a speedy trial, also humane treatment before the trial, and finally, the right to bring forward any evidence they may have on their behalf. This ultimately gave the accused a voice that they never had. Today, we see the idea of a speedy trial within our Constitution, along with other laws promoting fairness for those who have been accused.Show MoreRelatedPublic Health Issues Are Concerns On How To P rotect The1749 Words  | 7 Pagesthe victim. For the criminal justice executives, the importance of a crime is evaluated considerable on the appearances of the criminal as the harm is cause to the victim. By estimating the interpersonal aggression and the importance of an incident, three features of the criminal becomes important. First, is the purpose of the criminal, second, how dangerous the behavior was that led to the injury, and third, the offender s past record of offending. The third feature is very important because the offendersRead MorePrison Was A Serious Punishment For Crime1598 Words  | 7 PagesThey were dark, dirty, overcrowded, and unhygienic. There was no separation for prisoners when they were locked up so this meant that men, women and children, plus dangerous criminals, debtors and the clinically insane could all be together. British reformer John Howard toured Europe to observe prison conditions. His book, the State of the Prisons in England and Wales, influenced the passage of a law that led to the construction of the first British Prisons designed partly for reform. These prisons wereRead MoreCalifornia Prison System: Significant Budgetary Change and the Results of Those Changes2178 Words  | 9 PagesReforming Californias Youth and Adult Correctional System contained in excess of 200 recommendations for overhauling Californias prison system. According to the review panel report, the prison culture in Californias prison system is dysfunctional and such that serves to protect prison workers who abuse inmates. The report is stated to have openly criticized the CCPOAs power over the system, stating that the agreement between the state and the California Correctional Peace Officers Association clearlyRead MoreThe Department of Corrections Essay2847 Words  | 12 Pagesafter Egyptian influence. Next came the opening of New Yorks Sing Sing prison for women in 1839. Eight years later, in 1847, education programs were started at Sing Sing. In 1848 a three-member Board of Inspectors was started to be in charge of state prisons. In 1851 the Child Savers, a group of reformers that believed city children would be saved if they were sent to live with farm families, opened the New York Juvenile Asylum. New York then established the nations first institutionRead MoreMaconochies Gentlemen2326 Words  | 10 PagesExperiment†of Maconochie’s Gentlemen, written by Norval Morris (Morris, 2002). I will then provide a critical analysis of Maconochie and the Norfolk Island Prison reform story to current correctional practices. Summary In part 3, Morris (2002, p.171) discusses why prison conditions matter and why penal reformers, including himself, have devoted their lives and travelled thousands of miles to other countries in search of answers to questions that would improve prison correction from what is corruptRead More Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Essay2173 Words  | 9 Pagesthe juvenile justice reformers sought to make a change to the objectives of the juvenile justice system, including the ‘rights of youth.’ â€Å"In earlier years, child offenders above the age of seven were treated and incarcerated like adult offenders†(Bartollas Miller, 2008, p.5). The treatment of youths had created distaste among the reformers towards jail terms for juveniles; they desired a system to be more compliance with the â€Å"due process of law.†Furthermore, the reformer was seeking to convertRead MoreThe Prison System And The Education Of Our Children1811 Words  | 8 Pagessentenc e. This the main purpose of prisons, but in actuality, for over eighty years, the prison system has become increasingly worse. The likelihood of a prisoner returning to jail is a very alarming statistic. According to the Bureau of Justice, three out four prisoners will return to the jail within five years of being released. This disheartening statistic raises the question then, what are the prisons doing wrong? The main purpose of prisons is not to keep inmates there for their whole life,Read MoreHistory And Evolution Of The Penal System2201 Words  | 9 Pagesturn into more progressive ideologies. A more humanitarian approach was taken up in dealing with the issue of correctional facilities under the watch of a man named John Howard, the first English prison reformer and a group of Quakers; followers of a Christian movement founded in the 1650s by a man named George Fox. Following this next step in the evolution of prison life in the correctional facilities of the United Kingdom, jailers were also appointed by the state to ensure that the mistreatment ofRead MoreIncarceration Of The United States Prisons 3165 Words  | 13 Pagesdesigned to house fewer inmates but are now packed to their limits. This â€Å"mass- incarceration era†as many scholars and commentators of the Criminal Justice System call it, is a result of several key issues that have created an environment within the correctional system that forces many inmates to serve longer prison sentences while increasing recidivism rates. Current federal and state sentencing policies have resulted in historically high rates of offender recidivism and the highest incarceration ratesRead More Gender Politics in the Criminal Justice System Essay4043 Words  | 17 Pageswhat is wrong with society that it does not liberate women from the constraints of these roles to play a more important part in public society? These exact issues are what I will be dealing with in regards to Virginia Woolf and her feminist book, Three Guineas, a little bit later in my paper. However, before I begin to discuss the ways in which the different waves of feminism have influenced the criminal justice system I feel that I should first address the question, what is feminism? Feminism
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Letter of Complaint Free Essays
I ordered a giant teddy bear from your company and the bear has not arrived on time. I have been ordering giant teddy bears from your company for over four years and never had a problem with shipping. I could have traveled down the road to Sam’s Club and bought a much cheaper giant teddy bear instead of selecting one off of your website. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter of Complaint or any similar topic only for you Order Now Your company’s failure to deliver the giant teddy bear to be sent to my niece before December 24, 2011 is extremely important because my niece has cancer and this will be her last Christmas, I spent extra money on shipping, and I was told a certain time the gift would arrive and it was not received on those days. My niece, Chelsea, has a brain tumor and this Christmas will be her last, I was very much so hoping that her giant brown teddy bear would arrive either before Christmas or on Christmas. Chelsea is going to be very saddened at the sight when she wakes up on Christmas and does not see her giant teddy bear underneath the Christmas tree. A little girl whom is dying soon deserves a teddy bear from her aunt on Christmas and should get her gift on time. I also spent ten extra dollars on shipping and my gift has not arrived on time. I have wasted ten dollars that could have been used to buy my niece another gift, for example a sweater but instead used on shipping that was delayed. I should be entitled to a refund on shipping and at least fifty dollars off the teddy bear for being received late after Christmas. I was told 10 to 15 days that my gift would be delivered and I had placed my order approximately a month ago and still have not seen my niece’s giant teddy bear. Your company’s website has lied to me and possibly many other individuals and this false information should be fixed immediately. The result of the package not being delivered on time is that my favorite niece will not obtain her giant teddy bear on Christmas. Ordering a giant teddy bear from your company’s website failed to be delivered on time has effected my niece and also myself. Due to the package being failed to be delivered in the accurate time interval, I should be given fifty dollars back from the purchase of the giant teddy bear and a refund on the shipping and handling. I have always been a loyal customer of your company for I have bought many items off of your website and never had trouble with the shipping or purchasing of the giant bears. How to cite Letter of Complaint, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Performance of Employees in MNC Malaysia-Free-Samples-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Training and Development on Employee's performance in MNC Malaysia. Answer: Introduction The research is conducted to evaluate the impact created by the training and development sessions on the performances of employees working in various multinational companies in Malaysia. The training and development programs have helped in enhancing the efficiency of recruitment and selection processes and allowed them to perform to their potential as well. (Anitha 2014). In Malaysia, the multinational organisations have provided training and development to workers for promoting growth and development and ensured more productivity, sales and profit generation too. Research aim The researchs major aim is to evaluate the effects created by training and development on the performances of workers of the multinational companies in Malaysia. Research objectives To assess the impact of training and development of the performances of workers of multinational companies in Malaysia To evaluate the most suitable approaches for enhancing the performances of workers To assess the various methods for monitoring the performances of workers within the Malaysian multinational companies To recommend relevant measures for managing training and development sessions and create positive impact on the performances of workers Research questions What impact is created by training and development on the performances of workers of Malaysian multinational companies? How can the training and development enhance the productivity of multinational organisations in Malaysia? What are the different kinds of ways or approaches for monitoring the performances of workers of Malaysian multinational companies? What are the suitable measures recommended for management of training and development and improve workers' performances and organisational productivity? Literature review The most important assets of the company are employees within the multinational companies of Malaysia. The productivity and reputation of employees are dependent upon the performances of employees and it can be managed through proper training and development provided to them (Bello 2012). Definition of key concept Strategic leadership The strategic leadership is an essential aspect that focuses on the ability to influence individuals and allow them to make decisions in an effective manner. This would contribute to the overall success of the organization as well as maintain good financial stability. The strategic leadership provides a direction to ensure proper growth and development of the company. To manage changes, the business executives need proper skills and knowledge to formulate the strategies and implement those for successful business planning (Anitha 2014). To manage changes and ambiguity, strategic leadership is essential for providing a sense of direction to employees as well as develop ownership and alignment within the groups of individuals to manage changes easily (Bashir and Long 2015). Work performances of employees Work performances are needed to be monitored consistently for checking whether the employees have managed to fulfill the requirements and criteria or not to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. In case the employees lacked certain skills, knowledge and expertise, it is the duty of the human resource management department to provide them with training sessions so that their skills and knowledge are improved, and they can work with much more commitment and dedication (Cherian and Jacob 2013). Training and development Training and development sessions can be provided through case studies illustration, classroom lectures, role-playing, simulations as well as computer based training programs (Elnaga and Imran 2013). The multinational companies in Malaysia must assess and identify the training and developmental needs of employees and understand that each of them has different types of needs and preferences, which are needed to be met carefully for progressing in their professional career (Ford 2014). Thus, the training and development are important for both improving the performances of employees and organisational development (Giuliani and Macchi 2013). Training and development could bring several benefits such as enhanced productivity and less supervision required. The employees performances are monitored to identify weaknesses and reduce the turnover of employees, increase consistency, lift up team spirits, enable optimum utilisation of resources and decrease time of learning. The informal training and development can help in learning through feedbacks and enable social interaction between the organisation and employees working there (Jehanzeb, Rasheed and Rasheed 2013). Critical review of Theories and models Contingency theory Thecontingency theoryis an effective theory used within the Malaysian multinational companies for leading the organisation in the right direction and make proper decisions. Here, contingent means dependent and the organization manages its business operations and processes based on the external and internal conditions (Kennett 2013). The leaders apply their own style of leadership in the right situations to assess the environment within which the company operates and ensure delivering good quality products and services to customers. With the help of managerial skills, they can utilize information technology to improve the performances of employees through necessary training and development (Kooij et al. 2013). Trait theory The trait theory is another important approach, which can enhance the efficiency of training and development provided to individuals working within the multinational companies of Malaysia. The trait theory is used to evaluate the behaviour of employees and their emotions and check, whether they are feeling interested in working for the company properly or not. The trait theory fosters the effectiveness of leadership across various groups of the organisation, focus on the behaviors of employees, and motivate them to perform to their potential (Long, Perumal and Ajagbe 2012). A Great Man theory TheGreat Man theoryis another appropriate theory, which shows the skills and abilities of leaders to act as a hero and influence others through their personal charisma, wisdom, intelligence. (Beh and Loo 2013). The great man theory of leadership has showed that leaders are born with necessary attributes, which have made them apart from others and these traits or behaviors are responsible for determining the authority and position of the organization too (Bello 2012). Summary of theories and models Theory and model Description Strengths Weaknesses Source Contingency The leaders apply their own style of leadership. Applying own leadership skills and expertise Lack of employees opinions (Bello 2012) Trait Fosters leadership effectiveness across various groups. Giving a proper direction to employees. Few groups remain out of focus as leaders may not be able to give equal attention to every groups (Anitha 2014) Great man theory The great man theory of leadership has showed that leaders are born with necessary attributes and determine the authority and position of organization The leaders care for the employees and promote diversity. Leaders often become aggressive of bringing out the best from employees (Elnaga and Imran 2013) Empirical studies The sample size is 200 respondents and the variable, which has been used is abc. Based on the findings, it could be understood that workers link the training and development sessions provided to customers with the organizations production level and more commitment. The training and development is related to the earnings per share and return on investments done for the training provided to workers. Summary of variables Variables Source 1. Vision Vision is to enhance organisational productivity through enhancement of workers performances (Ford 2014) 2. Core competency Allocating resources properly and manage differentiating of products. (Lee, Lee and Kang 2012) 3. Strategic direction Leading the employees in right direction and making them skilful through training and development. (Kennett 2013) H1: Training and development has created a positive impact on the performances of workers. H2: Training and development encourages motivation of employees. H3: The training and development has influenced the behaviors of employees and made them work with dedication. Conceptual framework Research design and methodology Research philosophy There are three different types of philosophies including the positivism, interpretivism and realism (Manzoor 2012). The research is primary, and so there is involvement of both quantitative and qualitative data. Interpretivism does not consider the scientific approaches, and so the assumptions made are subjective, which was needed to be objective. The quantitative data has been gathered through questionnaires distributed to customers, and so positivism research philosophy is considered here as the most effective (Mohamed et al. 2013). Thus, here the positivism research philosophy is the most effective among the other philosophies of research. Research design and strategy The three different kinds of research designs such as the exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. The exploratory research design defines the initial research and presents it with the help of theoretical data. It is useful for making observations and understands more about the research topic, which can help in carrying out the research in future as well. The existing theories and concepts can be used as well for developing an initial framework to conduct the research in the future. The explanatory research design determines the cause and effect of research and generate ideas about how things are communicated and are linked with each other (Ramayah, Ahmad and Hong 2012). The descriptive research design, as the name suggests is useful for exploring the various concepts of the research along with its variables in details. Thus, it could be understood that the descriptive research design focused on the what' and how' rather than why' (Salleh and Omar 2013). The dependent variable here is the performances of employees, and it is dependent upon the training and development, which is the independent variable (Sethi 2012). Thus, descriptive research design has helped in creating a positive impact of the independent variable on dependent variables for improving the performances of employees and contribute to the organisational efficiency. Data collection method The collection of data includes both primary and secondary data. The primary data includes both qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data is gathered in the form of responses and feedbacks of customers, which have been derived from the distribution of survey questionnaires to them. On the other hand, the managers of few of the multinational companies have been allowed to take part in the interview where they were asked certain questions and the answers provided are considered as qualitative data (Singh and Mohanty 2012). The secondary data is collected by following the secondary sources like journals, articles, blogs, newspapers, magazines and the internet web sites. The focus groups consist of a group of individuals who provide their responses and feedbacks for conducting a market research regarding the topic of the impact of training and development of performances of employees (Anitha 2014). The members of the focus group are selected properly for gaining their appropriate and authoritative responses in an effective manner. To check whether the questionnaires are reliable enough or not, the Cronbachs Alpha measurement had been used for making it easy for the respondents to answer the questions and it had been recorded as 0.907 (Bashir and Long 2015). It is above the normal reliability coefficient, so few changes are needed to be made though. Target or total population The targeted population is the number of employees working within Malaysian multinational companies. 500 questionnaires had been provided to the employees of the organisation, though nearly 200 had been returned. 11 questionnaires came back without any thing filled in those and 189 were used properly (Beh and Loo 2013). This resulted in delivering a yield of 95 percent while the partially filled up questionnaires had been returned to them as well. Sample size and Sampling method The sample size has been chosen as 200 employees and 50 managers of the most established multinational companies in Malaysia. For quantitative data, the sampling method is chosen as probability sampling method whereas for gathering qualitative samples, the non-probability sampling technique is more effective. The non-probability sampling method consists of purposive, convenient, availability and quota sampling (Bello 2012). The convenient sampling method provides the managers with a suitable time when they can be present and take part in the interview session to answer several questions asked by the researcher. The random probability sampling method helps in choosing random samples and distributes survey questionnaires to them for collecting quantitative data (Cherian and Jacob 2013). Data instrument The questionnaires are used along with Liker scale, which provides a range from 1 to 5. Variable Sub-Variable SA A N D SD Source Training 1. Gain practical skills 2. Knowledge acquisition 3. Enhance strengths 4. Makes employees handle critical situations (Bello 2012) Development 1 Training sessions 2 Role playing 3 Growth 4 Organisational success (Manzoor 2012) Leadership 1 Influences employee behaviour 2 Strengthening organisational position 3 Increase in organisational production 4 Guiding employees in right direction (Sethi 2012) Employee performance 1 Reward management system 2 Good working conditions 3 Training and development 4 Good work culture (Ramayah, Ahmad and Hong 2012) Accessibility and ethical issues The accessibility issues include lack of availability of managers, employees at the same time, which may make the researcher visit several places, and that is quite time-consuming. The questionnaires must be provided to respondents with a consent letter, and those should be tangible rather than being virtual (Elnaga and Imran 2013). There could be ethical issues in case the respondents do not want to participate. A power failure or network disruption could lead to loss of data and information. The research was conducted for academic purposes and not for gaining any commercial benefits (Ford 2014). Data analysis plan The data analysis has been done with the help of SPSS tool which can represent the data in the form of graphs and tables for making the researcher understand easily about the responses of individuals regarding the impact of training and development on performances of employees. The various ways of analysing data are reliability test, normality test, descriptive analysis, regression analysis, correction analysis and validity test (Giuliani and Macchi 2013). Analysis Reasons Source Normality test To check whether the data set is properly structured or not and how random variables are distributed (Salleh and Omar 2013) Reliability test For checking the data and information gathered are valid or not. (Sethi 2012) Descriptive It is used to manage proper design and ensure strategic formulation if research. (Manzoor 2012) Correlation Manage learning for linear association between two variables. (Mohamed et al. 2013) Regression For ensuring development and testing of software and manage changes in configuration, patches, software developments, etc. (Ramayah, Ahmad and Hong 2012) Research limitations Time and cost are the major constraints of the research while the respondents may also not provide the answers without bias. There are language barriers too, which can create difficulties for individuals to understand the questionnaires and for that, they may even skip few questions. Though the research has been completed within the allocated time frame, still some additional time and money are needed for completing the research in a much more detailed manner in the future too (Gunnigle, Lavelle and Monaghan 2013). Research timeline Activities February March April May June July Selection of topic Secondary collection of data Constructing the research layout Literature review Development of research Plan Selection of Appropriate Research Techniques Primary data collection Analysis Interpretation of Data which are collected Conclusion Development of Draft Final Work submission References Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Bashir, N. and Long, C.S., 2015. The relationship between training and organizational commitment among academicians in Malaysia.Journal of Management Development,34(10), pp.1227-1245. Beh, L.S. and Loo, L.H., 2013. Human resource management best practices and firm performance: A universalistic perspective approach.Serbian Journal of Management,8(2), pp.155-167. Bello, S.M., 2012. 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