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Monday, September 30, 2019
Left Brain vs Right Brain: Implications of Learning Essay
A left-brain dominant person’s attributes are different than that of a right-brained person. This difference causes these two groups to have different learning styles. A left-brain dominant tends to be better at spelling and math. This is because this person can see all of the pieces. A right- brain dominant person tends be better at writing, biology, and other hands on subjects. A left-brain dominant person can understand lectures. A right-brain dominant person does better at hand on activities. It is important for him to discover and use the learning style that helps them to succeed academically. Antisocial is thought to be caused by brain dominance. The only way to overcome being antisocial is by the person going out and making themselves uncomfortable. Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Implications of Learning For a student to learn effectively, he must not only understand which learning style is the best for him, but he must understand the attributes his brain dominance plays. Left-brain dominant students are normally more successful with subjects such as math and science. A right-brain dominant student is more likely to succeed in subjects like shop, biology, and other hands-on classes. This is because brain dominance helps to determine the student’s learning style. To fully understand the left-brain dominant person, the characteristics must first be understood. By understanding all of these characteristics the left-brain dominant person can be fully understand. According to On Purpose Associates (2012) the left-brain dominant person is â€Å"logical, sequential, rational, analytical, objective, and looks at parts†(para. 2). A left-brain dominant person is logical. They tend not to come up with creative ways to fix a problem. The consequence of this is the person is limited in solutions to fix the problem. The person tends not to think outside of the box. This individual’s thoughts are organized. Their mind is like a neat office. Everything in the office is neat and organized. All the files in the office are labeled. The files being organized in the office is the sequential trait. The files are organized in a certain order. The person knows where everything is in the office. The person is rational. This person tends to understand things as they are. It makes since to them since they are logical. The left- brain dominant person is analytic. This person can separate the different pieces to analysis the subject. This dominance can be objective. They can relate objects together to understand the entire picture. Templeton (2013) found that â€Å"In writing, it is the left-brain that pays attention to mechanics such as spelling, agreement, and punctuation. But the right side pays attention to coherence and meaning that is, your right brain tells you it ‘feels right’†(para. 6). A left-brain dominant person has more trouble writing. This is because the individual has trouble capturing the meaning of what the person wants to say within his statement. The person may start his argument but may not finish it. This is due to the lack of being able to capture what is intended because of meaning. Templeton (2013) indicates that a left-brain dominant person is more likely to be a better speller. Math problems will be easier for this person. The left-brain dominant person can do a math problem in order understanding how to get to the answer. Science classes are generally easier, because the person can work out the experiment piece by piece (para. 3, 5, & 6). This helps him to make it to the end state easier. The right-brain dominant person according to On Purpose Associates (2012) is â€Å"random, intuitive, holistic, synthesizing, subjective, looks at wholes†(para. 2). A right-brain dominant person is random. There is no plan or objective. The person goes randomly from one task to another. The person does not keep an organized schedule. A right-brain dominant person is creative. This person can look outside of the box for solutions for a problem. A left-brain dominant person is less likely to do this. This person does not break things down to analysis the different parts. The person only sees the big picture. The right-brain dominant person lets others push him around. He sees things as they are and does not challenge them. A right-brain dominant person sees everything as a whole. The person only sees the endpoint. He may not understand anything in-between. Templeton (2013) suggests that a right-brain person is less likely to be able to learn effectively from a lecture (para. 2). Most lectures do not come to the conclusion until the very end. The reason is because one of the traits of a right-brain dominant person is seeing everything as a whole. A lecture can be difficult for him to comprehend. The student starts with the answer working backwards. Templeton (2013) suggests that right-brain dominant students will succeed in classes that are hands-on (para. 5). Classes such as biology, carpentry, mechanics, and shop are all examples of classes where right-brain dominant students will learn effectively. Right- brain dominant students will also be successful in writing papers. This clearly shows that the student’s brain dominance is a factor when a learning style is concerned. â€Å"Each student processes and absorbs new information in a different way. Identifying learning styles and teaching those learning styles can increase academic achievement and improve attitudes towards learning†(Green, 1999, p. 684). Each student needs to determine what his best leaning style is. The learning style determines how well and how fast they can retain the information. Adjustments can be made to improve the student’s learning ability. Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (1999) suggests that different methods can be used in subjects such as math for the student to better understand the subject (p. 169). In math models can be used to explain the equation and the steps to get the answer. For lectures teachers can provide background information prior to the presentation. This will help some students work backwards to be able to see the conclusion. Left-brain dominant students practicing writing, will experience an increase in their writing ability. Pfabigan, Alexopoulos, and Sailer (n. d. ) suggest that it is possible that a person’s dominant side of the brain can cause them to be antisocial, but is not likely. The results from the study are too close for the right and left hemisphere of the brain, to determine that antisocialism is from brain dominance (para. 12). It’s more likely that antisocialism is genetic, not from brain dominance. Being antisocial can be compared to a fear. The only way of overcoming a fear is be doing it. For someone that is antisocial the best thing to do is go out and overcome it. That person should talk to the stranger in line at the grocery store. When on vacation the person should talk to strangers. The person should put themself out there. In conclusion left and right-brain dominance can affect the way someone learns. Someone who is left-brain dominant is more logical. Their thoughts and brain process is neat and organized. The left-brain dominant person is more likely to have problems writing. This can be overcome like any weakness. The right-brain dominant person is creative. He can look outside of the situation to solve the problem. He is not driven primarily by logic. The right- brain dominant person may have problems following lectures. The lecture may lose the student’s interest. He is a hands- on learner. He needs to be part of a demonstration, or do things with his hands to fully understand concepts. A class such as biology that is mostly hands on activities is a better class for someone who is right-brain dominant. The best way to learn is for the student to know his learning style and use it. Antisocial individuals is more and likely genetic. The student can overcome this challenge. The student will have to work at it, but like anything else this can change. References Bransford, J. ; Brown, L. ; & Cocking R. (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D. C. : National Academic Press. Retrieved from http://site. ebrary. com/lib/apus/docDetail. action? docID=10038789 Green, F. (1999). Brain and learning research: Implications for meeting the needs of diverse learners. Education, 119(4), 682-687. Doi: 196424120 On Purpose Associates. (2012). Right Brain vs. Left Brain. Funderstanding. com Retrieved June 8, 2013, from http://www. funderstanding. com/brain/right-brain-vs-left-brain/
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