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Provocation Policy - Essay Example The ensured classes incorporate race, nationality, ideology, shading, sex (counting lewd behavior and ...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Rise Of Gmos ( Gmos ) - 1399 Words
Christina Wansikehian Professor Lennertz English 101 24 January 2015 The Rise of GMOs A growing number of foods we intake on a daily basis are composed of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). DNA from other kinds of organisms, bacteria, or viruses are used to change the DNA of GMOs so that they can counteract pesticides. According to Bill Freese, â€Å"GMOs are present in 60 to 70 percent of foods on US supermarket shelves†(1) . Not only is the food itself a problem, but the method of growing GMOs can potentially harm the soil, in turn decreasing bio-diversity. Purchasing non genetically modified foods is a better decision. Despite the convenience of junk food, anyone can live a healthier lifestyle by making an effort to eat non gmo, raw, organic, and vegan foods. In order to establish eating the healthiest foods possible, any individual can shop for organic foods that have â€Å"organic†labels on them. Organically grown foods have an immense amount of pure nutrients and healthier ingredients than GMO food. This high-quality alternative accomodates a healthy and safe lifestyle. The ultimate gain of health is indulged by considering a wise decision such as consuming organic foods and products. Diverse organic produce generates health benefits that outweigh the price premiums associated with it. Due to countless usage of unadapted chemicals, crops are evidently damaged and captivated with extremely toxic pesticides and insecticides. Recently, GMO foods have severelyShow MoreRelatedShould Reading The Food Labels Be Necessary Before Buying And Consuming?1123 Words  | 5 Pagesstated that GMOs are genetically modified organism that have been altered with other species that wouldn t be found in nature. The U.S. Commerce Department and th e U.S. Patent Office, both see this to be a new, unique organism, can be equivalent to a non-GMO products. FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) declared that GMOs can be modified to have the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein, therefore they do not need a label to warning costumers (para. 3). GMOs were first discoveredRead MoreGmo Essay1026 Words  | 5 Pages1994, the safety of GMOs has been a controversial topic. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are ‘advanced’ organisms created by scientists taking helpful fragments of other species DNA and inserting into the DNA stream of another organism. GMOs have created tomatoes that dont freeze in the winter, and apple that cannot become brown, but at what cost? Citizens have voiced their concerns regarding modifying natural plants and after research overall, it became clear that GMOs are harmful to otherRead MoreAnalysis of Article No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn by Jon Entine575 Words  | 3 PagesSummary In his article â€Å"No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn†published at Slate.com in 2012, Jon Entine argues that genetically engineered crops pose no harm to health or environment, and the conclusion Caitlin Shetterly made is absurd and holds no water. Though every major scientific regulatory oversight body in the world has concluded that GMO foods are harmless, the public remains deeply suspicious, fearing that such food may cause cancer or allergies. Caitlin Shetterly, one of the worried publicRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )1525 Words  | 7 PagesGenetically modified organisms (GMOs) are highly embedded into our food systems. The use of GMOs is a subject that is often highly debated. GMOs have been viewed as a way to produce food more efficiently, and to aid in the feeding of our ever growing population. However, there are numerous countries that have placed a ban on the use of these products. Comparing production increases in the U.S. to those countries that have banned the use of GMOs will help to give insight into why these products mayRead MoreGmos : Genetically Modified Organism1181 Words  | 5 Pagesbeing GMOs. I thought to myself, what is a GMO? GMO stands for genetically modified organism, meaning that the organism’s genes have been played around with through genetic engineering. Today, GMOs play a role in the world environmentally, economically, and ethically. Damian Carrington, author of â€Å"GM Crops Good For Environment, Study Finds,†posits that GMOs are beneficial because they reduce pesticide use without harming species including humans, Sharyn Horrowitz presents the notion that GMOs increaseRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1332 Words  | 6 PagesGenetically Modified Foods In the past few decades, a rise in the need for a cheaper food source has arisen. The world’s population was at six billion at the beginning of the 1990s, and it has increased rapidly. Not only that, but in just the United States, various studies have shown an increase to the population of the lower income level ranges. Genetic engineering of plants and animals has provided a solution to offering cheaper food sources, reducing such problems. Livestock could be given growthRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Organisms1199 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Genetically modified organisms come to be through genetic engineering where their genetic material is artificially altered in a laboratory to suit certain specifications. Genetic engineering is a new technology which gives rise to unstable animals, bacteria, and plants which are not naturally occurring and do not come into being through the normal crossbreeding methods as other traditional crops. Virtually every genetically modified crop produced commercially are made in such a wayRead MoreThe Effects Of Genetically Modified Organisms On The Environment1541 Words  | 7 PagesResearch of the Effects of GMOs Ruf, Andrea. Soil organisms as an essential element of a monitoring plan to identify the effects of GMO cultivation. Requirements – Methodology – Standardisation. BioRisk 8: 73–87 (2013) 1-16 Web. 3 Feb. 2016. This scholarly article gives an in-depth overview of the practice of monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms on the environment. A spanning look at the types of soil organisms best suited for study in relation to GMOs is provided as well asRead MoreGenetically Modified Crops : A New Breakthrough Of The Agricultural Industry1636 Words  | 7 Pagescrops: a new breakthrough in the agricultural industry. GMOs (Genetically modified organisms) have resistance to new aggressive sources of weeds, pests, and other diseases in order to thrive even in harsh environments. They also have larger crop yields, crucial to feeding a growing population. Some even assert that they contain more nutrition value and taste better than traditional crops. Despite all of this, perhaps the most crucial benefit of GMOs is the fact that they can be resistant to the effectsRead MoreThe Health Risks Of Gmos870 Words  | 4 Pageshealth risks of GMOs in question, another issue fueling this debate over labeling, is whether people have a right to know or not. Without federal intervention, states are taking this issue into their own hands; bills like Proposition 105 in Colorado, are popping up on ballots in states across the nation as consumers try to enforce their right to know. To tackle this side of the issue we will examine all the parties involved and discuss what their motives may be for or against labeling GMOs. Right now
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
What Historical And Governmental Policies Influenced Asian...
Asians have been referred to as the â€Å"Model Minority†for decades, but is it an accurate representation of Asian America culture today? This notion derives from the stereotype that Asian families are stable and Asian culture produces success in regards to grades and professions. My questions are as follows: what historical and governmental policies influenced the term, how did it affect Asian-Americans, what should Asian Americans do to be treated equally to improve the rights of their people, and how does this all tie together with the core concept of history memory? I hope to answer these questions thoughtfully in my essay. The term â€Å"model minority†emerged during the 1960s as a response brought on by the Immigration and Nationality Act†¦show more content†¦Asian Americans have been significantly affected today because of the â€Å"model minority†ideology. The idea of Asian Americans being the model minority encouraged and pushed Caucasian Americans that if you have the right cultural values, you can make it. This causes an erasure of the economic disparities and social issues that the poor working Asian Americans have today. Bernadette Lim, Harvard Undergraduate student, in her article, Model Minority Seems like a Compliment, but It Does Great Harm, raises awareness that the term â€Å"Model Minority†does a lot of harm despite it’s positive connotation. The author points out the fact that many southeast Asian minorities are in poverty rates. Included in the southeast Asian category, there is a 40-50% drop out rate. Asian American female students have the highest suicide rates among college students from the pressure of performing really well. This article also points out a threat of Asian Americans in the college admissions process where Asian Americans are perceived as a threat to other applicants. It implies that society wants a control to racial contents where they only want enough that serves the main interest of society. When you are harming the mobility of mainstream Americans, you’re viewed as threatening. Harming, in the case, is Asian Americans taking the spots of college p lacements for â€Å"actual†or Caucasian American students. In Lee’s â€Å"The Model Minority as Gook†, he
Monday, December 9, 2019
Castillo Brilliant Public Spea free essay sample
Glassblower, also know as the fear of public speaking, Is the top rated fear In the united States according to Brandon Gaggle. People are far more scared of public speaking than death and even spiders. It Is a primal fear of being ostracizes and cast out, but It Is something that should not be fear so highly. With practice and a few good points public speaking can be an experience that the speaker and the audience can connect and share a story that teaches each person something new. This week developing persuasive communication using effective language was scudded in Communicating in the Workplace, Chapter 14. The Brilliant Public Speaking video was a great addition to this weeks discussion. Several key points in the video are relevant to develop skills in persuasive communication. For example, in Brilliant Public Speaking it was explained that to be an effective communicator it is necessary to know what the audience wants. We will write a custom essay sample on Castillo Brilliant Public Spea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It Is also essential to connect with the audience by sharing personal stories relevant to the topic.The audience will more likely remember more of the presentation when they feel an emotional message was conveyed. Changing nervousness Into excitement Is another way to Improve the overall experience, also drawing in the audience. Rehearsals, and proper attire will help build the speakers confidence. By rehearsing the speaker can fix areas that are weak. Grab you audience attention with an excellent opening, use pauses for a two to three seconds to build anticipation.Additionally, this week developing valid arguments was discussed which shared key points from Brilliant Public Speaking. For example, as a subject matter expert, the presenter, must properly research and delver excellent and intriguing information on he topic. Again, knowing the audience will help deliver the message in manner they could relate to. I have a horrendous fear of public speaking, and must agree It Is a pretty close fear to death for me. I especially like how Topper Morrison In the Brilliant Public Speaking shared that he turned his nervousness into excitement.It would be a great personnel experience within a small group of people because I have experienced that people can relate and connect more when I share my stories. I can definitely use this information to help build a persuasive speech and improve my public speaking skills. I am a novice when it comes to public speaking, however after watching Brilliant Public Speaking I can offer a few great tips to improve public speaking skills. Research is a key when preparing for a speech.Gather information about the audience that the message will be delivered to, dress code, time limit, and most importantly the topic. If giving a speech the audience expects the speaker to be the subject matter expert. Deliver original information that the audience will not find elsewhere. Take time to gather the information needed for the presentation, and ensure good solid information is delivered and repeat key points that should be embedded by audience to remember. Ensure that to get plenty of rest and water in the days before the speech.Practicing in front of a mirror or video can also help figure where weak points are. Make sure to speak slowly and clear using pauses to relax and build anticipation in the audience. Death should not be a fear that the majority of Americans would prefer in comparison to public speaking. With practice and the information provided in Brilliant Public Speaking each person can learn to gain the confidence needed to overcome their fear of public speaking and deliver a read message to their audience.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Super Rice Challenge Essay Example For Students
The Super Rice Challenge Essay Rice is the main food for about one-third to one-half of the worlds population. A mature rice plant is usually two to six feet tall. In the beginning, one shoot appears. It is followed by one, two, or more offshoots developing. There are at least five or six hollow joints for each stalk, and a leaf for each joint. The leaf of the rice plant is long, pointed, flat, and stiff. The highest join of the rice plant is called the panicle. The rice grains develop from the panicles. (Jodon, 300) Rice is classified in the grass family Gramineae. Its genus is Oryza and species O. sativa. It is commonly cultivated for food in Asia. Some varieties of rice include red rice, glutinous rice, and wild rice. (Jodon, 303) The kernel within the grain contains most of the vitamins and minerals (298). The kernel contains thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin (299). Rice has many enemies that destroy a majority of the rice crops. The larvae of moth, stem borers, live in the stems of the rice plants. We will write a custom essay on The Super Rice Challenge specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Some insects suck the plant juices or chew the leaves. Birds, such as bobolink, Java sparrow, or paddybird, would eat the seeds or grains. Disease causing factors such as fungi, roundworms, viruses, and bacteria also destroy the rice plants. Blast disease is caused by fungi which causes the panicles containing the grains to break. (Jodon, 300) There are various types of rice grown all over the world. A majority of rice grown is cultivated rice. When rice is grown with water standing on the fields, it is called lowland, wet, or irrigated rice. Rice plants grown in certain parts of Asia, South America, and Africa are called upland, hill, or dry rice because they are raised on elevated lands that cannot be flooded, but with plentiful rainfall. Wild rice is grown along lake shores of Canada and the Great Lakes. It is usually eaten by people in India. Scented rice is the most expensive because is has long grains and tastes like popcorn when cooked. Glutinous rice is waxy rice consumed by Asians. It is cooked to a sticky paste and is used for cakes and confections. (Jodon, 299) Rice was thought to have originated in southeast Asia when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 B. C(Jodon, 303). Further research revealed that rice was cultivated around or at the Yangtze River in China, around 4000 to 11,500 years ago. One archaeologist, Toyama, surveyed data on 125 samples of rice grains, plant remains, husks, and other factors from numerous sites along the length of the Yangtze River. He reported that the oldest samples. . . are clustered along the middle Yangtze in Hubei and Hunan provinces. Samples from the upper and lower portions of the Yangtze River were found to be younger, around 4,000 to 10,000 years old. This pattern. . .suggests that rice cultivation originated in the middle Yangtze and spread from there. Archaeologists see more than a decade of excavation of the Yangtze River and nearby sites to confirm that the Yangtze River is where rice was first cultivated. (Normille, 309) The Greeks learned of rice when Alexander the Great invaded India around 326 B. C. Spain was introduced to rice when it was conquered by the Moors during the 700s A. D. Spain then introduced rice to Italy, around the 1400s. The Spanish also introduced rice to the West Indies and South America, around the 1600s. Rice was introduced to the United States when a Madagascar ship docked in the Charleston, South Carolina harbor. The ship captain presented the governor with a sack of seed rice. It was then grown in states south of the Ohio River and east of Mississippi. .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .postImageUrl , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:hover , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:visited , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:active { border:0!important; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:active , .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uec6eb210d0d67f1f5425c79460b6ee0d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Domestic Violence Essay Paper (Jodon, 303) Rice is usually grown in lowland fields divided by dirt walls (Jodon, 300) A majority of the rice crops are grown with water standing on the fields (Jodon, 299). On level land, these paddies and dirt walls are built in wavy or straight lines. On hill-like land, they follow the slopes and form paddies that rise like steps. The dirt walls are used to hold in water for the fields. (300) Cultivation of the rice plant requires controlling the water supply .
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